12 Amazing Similarities Between Jesus and the Passover Lamb

yeshuaseder_carl_carikfb_hdvPassover begins this year on April 8th, at sundown.  What many do not know is that Passover illustrates the sacrifice of The Passover Lamb–the crucifixion of Jesus.  The first Passover lamb was slain during the dark times in Egypt marked. This event marked the beginning of The Exodus, which delivered the Israelites from slavery. The sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus delivered us from our sins and marked the beginning of true salvation for all mankind.  Here are twelve amazing comparisons below:

  1. Four Days: A lamb had to be chosen and brought into the house four days before Passover. Four days before His death on the cross on the eve of Passover, Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey. (Exodus 12:3-6, Matthew 12:1-11, Luke 19:29-38, John 12:9-16.)
  1. Without Blemish: The lamb had to be without blemish. Without cuts, bruises, or deformities. Jesus was without blemish. He was sinless. (Exodus 12:5, 1 Peter 1:18-19)
  1. One year: The lamb had to be one year old, in the prime of his life. Jesus was in the prime of His life when He was sacrificed as a young man, 33 years old. (Exodus 12:5)
  1. Man: The lamb had to be a male. Jesus came to earth as a man. (Exodus 12:5)
  1. Everyone: Every house and each family had to have their own lamb. Everyone has to open their own heart for what Jesus has done for them and personally accept Him as their Lord and Savior. (Exodus 12:3-4)
  1. The 14th day: The Passover Lamb was slain on the eve of Passover, on the afternoon of the 14th day of Nisan, which is the first month of the Jewish calendar. Jesus is the Lamb that was sacrificed at the same time the lambs were being killed on the 14th day of the first month.(Exodus 12:6, Mark 15:25, 31-38)
  1. Broken Bones: The Israelites weren’t allowed to break the bones of the Lamb. Not during the cooking and not even during the eating. Jesus’ bones didn’t get broken during the torture and the mockery He endured or the crucifixion. (John 19:31-36)
  1. No leftovers: The lamb had to be consumed entirely on the eve of Passover. Nothing was to remain overnight. Jesus was taken off the cross on the same evening of his crucifixion, although this wasn’t customary. (Exodus 12:8-10, John 19:31)
  1. First Born: The lamb died in place of the first-born of the Israelites. Jesus died in our place. He was the “firstborn of many brethren” – Romans 8:29. He died on the cross in order to reunite or reconcile us with God.
  1. Blood: The Israelites had to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on their doorposts as a sign to God. Whoever stayed in the house behind the blood of the lamb was safe from God’s judgment against the Egyptians. Whoever stays with Jesus and does His will, the blood of Jesus will keep them safe from judgment. (Exodus 12:7, 12-13, Romans 5:8-10)

The blood they put on the doorposts, top of the door frame and on the threshold formed a cross. (Exodus 12:21-23)

blood-on-door-722x1024_41 edit

  1. Freedom: The lamb opened a way to freedom for the Jews from years of slavery in Egypt. Jesus’ sacrifice sets us free us from the bondage of sin. (Colossians 1:13-14, Romans 8:1-2)
  1. Consume: The lamb had to be consumed entirely on the eve of Passover. We have to get Jesus in our lives and consume His word every day. We also drink wine or grape juice to symbolize His blood and eat unleavened bread – matzah, a symbol of His flesh during the Lord’s Supper.

Here is what Matzah looks like: matzo-or-matzah-is-bread-traditionally-eaten-by-jews-during-the-week-long-passover-holiday

Jesus was crucified and buried outside the city, just like the leftover pieces of the sacrifices were taken outside the city to be burned. (Hebrews 13:11-12)

He was hit with a special whip 39 times. Each time the whip cut into His body. Each cut was called a stripe. – By His stripes, we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24)

He was pierced in the side with a sword. (Isaiah 53:5, Zechariah 12:10, John 19:34)

The matzah we eat for Passover is unleavened bread. It doesn’t have any yeast in it. Yeast is a symbol for sin. Jesus was without sin. And the matzah is striped, burnt and pierced—representing His body. This is the ‘flesh’ He told us to eat–(John 6:51, 54, 56.)

Just think about all Jesus endured so you could be forgiven, saved, healed, and reconciled to God for eternal life. Truly He is the Messiah, the Anointed One, Yeshua HaMashiach, come to set us free.

10 thoughts on “12 Amazing Similarities Between Jesus and the Passover Lamb

  1. Pingback: In a time when we must remain in our place – Immanuel Verbondskind – עמנואל קאָווענאַנט קינד

  2. Wanted to add two more for your list:

    Hyssop Branch:
    Exodus 12:22 states that a hyssop branch was to be used to apply the blood of the lambs to the door frames of the Israelites. In Mark 15:36, Jesus is offered wine mixed with gall to drink on a sponge attached to a hyssop branch. After tasting it, He would not drink it (Matt 27:34). By refusing to drink it, He is refusing to be passed over. He’s willingly allowing Himself to be punished when He could have been passed over like the Israelites who painted their doors with blood.

    The plague of the firstborn included darkness, even darkness that could be felt. When Jesus was on the cross, an eclipse occurred (Luke 23:44-45).

  3. Great post.

    I’d like to offer a couple alternative opinions on two points, if I may:

    1. The Bible only commanded the side posts and top of the door to be sprinkled with blood, not the threshold. (Exodus 12:22) Yet, there could be a very good case made for the blood dripping down from the top of the door onto the threshold to make the fourth point of the cross.

    2. The ‘flesh’ Jesus told us to eat is actually His Words, a ‘spiritual’ flesh. As you stated, we are to consume His Word, which is Jesus, every day. Jesus is The Word (John 1:1). John 6:51 tells us that Jesus is the Living Bread from Heaven that gives eternal life when consumed. Jesus says that Bread is His flesh. “Give us this day our daily Bread.”(Matthew 6:11) We must read The Word regularly.

    John 6:53-54 says without consuming this spiritual ‘flesh’, we have no ‘life’ and will not be resurrected. John 6:63 clarifies that it is Jesus’ ‘Words’ that contain the sustaining spirit and life for our spirit. “It is the spirit that quickeneth (gives life); the (physical) flesh profiteth nothing: the Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

    Though Jesus did tell us to do the ceremonial act of Communion in remembrance of Him, it is not the drinking of wine/juice and eating of unleavened bread that gives life to our spirit, but the regular ingestion of Jesus’ Words.

    I hope this is interesting, if not enlightening.

    God bless and keep up the good work.

    • Thank you for your comments the coming storm. I concur with your perspective. Forgive me for not writing sooner. Covid hit our house and it’s taken some time to get back into regular life. God bless you.

  4. Pingback: The Unintentional Sin and Trespass Offerings | Hear God's Heart

  5. Wow… I am in awe of our Lord. So many beautiful, intricate details to unravel. I am using your post in my Sunday school class tomorrow, as we are preparing for Easter. Jesus IS the ultimate sacrifice for sin. The Spotless Lamb of God.

    Two things I have also found
    – Jesus is anointed twice before His crucifixion, just as the lambs were for Passover.
    -The first anointing took place in the book of John 12:1-8, 6 days prior to Passover. Passover lambs were chosen six days in advance. This allowed them to be brought in, often into the family home and inspected for five days. They were inspected to ensure that they were free from blemish, including the legs, ankles, and feet, as they are easily damaged or marked in the rocky hillsides. At this point, the would take the anointing oil and rub it into the ankles and feet, prior to them being inspected for a further 5 days.
    – The second time Jesus was anointed before His crucifixion was in Mark 14:1-9, on His head.
    – The second anointing happens two days before Passover. The Passover lamb was anointed this second time on their head to announce that they were free from disease or blemish. This is in contrast to the first time which was on their feet six days before.

    We see that The head of Jesus was anointed two days before He was crucified and was a sign that He was well, without sickness or defect.


    • Cassidy, I love your additional pieces. I’ve never seen or heard them before. God is definitely in the details in ways beyond our understanding. Just as He wrote them into Yeshua’s life, He’s written them into ours as well. Psalm 139 is full of that revelation. He daily surprises me with things that highlight how well He knows us and is able to get us exactly what we need at the perfect moment. Not even a second too late. How great is our God.
      God bless you in your studies and in your teaching. He has more treasure than we could ever imagine. ♥

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