
website-profileLife with God is such an adventure. I never thought I’d be sharing my story and all I’ve learned online. In fact, I was born long before the average person even knew what a computer was. But God told me years ago, “Journal your daily walk with Me. Someday you will share from your journals all you’ve learned.”

Now here is a little about my story. My husband Mike and I have been married for 54 years. He loves to garden and work with Ham radios. I love to study and teach God’s word and write. We have learned to let each other be who God created us to be and value our differences. What I thought was love between opposites, in the beginning, doesn’t look anything like the strong oneness we share today. It’s been a great God adventure.

We have three grown children and six grandchildren, ranging from adults to a 2nd grader. They are all followers of Jesus. We are blessed to share life with them and watch God’s plans for their lives unfold.

I’ve traveled to Guatemala, Baja, Israel and many places in the U.S. The most life-changing trips were to Israel in 2000, 2001, and 2002. The first was a ten-day tour, but the other two were six-week volunteer opportunities with Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem. Bible lessons I taught for years sprang to life when I walked the Land and lived among the people.

With all this in mind, I believe God’s led you here to feast on Him and His Word. You will find teaching gleaned with the rich Hebrew mindset placed in scenes of personal stories and journal notes of my conversations with Abba. You will learn how to be at peace in any storm and begin to see yourself as He sees you.

My prayer for you is that you will be encouraged by how accessible God is, how much He loves you, and see His Word with greater depth than ever before.

You may want to grab your Bible. Getting to know Him is an adventure that never ends and the Bible is His treasure map. Hope you will join me.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, Mary Ellen!
    I’m Mary Ellen too, ha, ha… and I used to be the “owner” of this web domain, MaryEllenWrites.com. If I’m not mistaken, you may be the one who held the domain and then let it expire until I was able to get a hold of it – and then I got it and let it expire, and now you have it back again! God sure does work in mysterious ways, and in every aspect of our lives too. I was unaware of it actually being in “use” since I let expire, until one of my reader’s told me that they loved my Christian writing! I didn’t know what they were talking about so I had to come and check it out for myself. It’s just beautiful and I just love what you’ve done here. Praise God!
    While I still write for Hilton Hotels & Resorts as a family travel writer for their Hilton Mom Voyage website, I no longer write for my day-to-day job (I used to be a freelance writer in Sarasota, Florida.) – instead I am the Director of Development for the only State-Certified Center for domestic and sexual violence in Sarasota and DeSoto Counties. God sure has his own plans for our lives, doesn’t He! I never saw my latest profession coming but I have been joyfully raising funds for this worthy organization – Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center (SPARCC) -for 3 years now. Just teaches me every day thatGod really does know what’s best and that His plans are for our good.
    Anyway, I’m sure I’ve probably shared far to much when I just wanted to reach out and say hello… and God bless.
    Please know that it makes my heart happy that this web address is used to recruit people to Jesus. What a blessing! Have the best day ever.


    • What a hoot. No, this is the first time I’ve had this address, but, I love this story. I love what you are doing as well. What a powerful and needed ministry. Our church here is just beginning to equip a team to go out and minister to prostitutes and those in sex trafficking. May God continue to bless and strengthen your ministry. May there be a release of funds and favor to meet every appointed need. Have a great weekend. ME 🙂

  2. Good day Ellen,
    I am new here and there is something that has caused me to pause and spend some time reading. I was led here today because Psalm 91 was on my heart and i wanted a deeper understanding of the first part ”He that dwells and Shall abide”. So i Googled meanings and stumbled across on your page. I live in Namibia (Africa), i love the lord and want a more deeper revelation and fellowship with Him. I’ve always wanted to learn the deeper meanings of the word through the original Hebrew writings and also know my calling. I pray i’m in the write place and i humbly ask for your guidance and if possible, mentor-ship? Forgive me if i’m asking for too much or if i’m on the wrong path. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.
    Warm regards

    • Joedy05 – Psalm 91 was one of the things that pulled me deeper into this search for meaning and I can totally relate to your search. I am happy to share with you what I know, but I am still a beginner compared to Hebrew scholars. I love to share the tools He’s given me. Many of my blogs have Hebrew words broken down in them and my YouTube videos do as well about 90% of the time. Just put Mary Ellen Wright in your search bar and it will pull up quite a few. If you have questions let me know. God bless you in your search.

      • Mrs Wright, thank you so much for the prompt reply. I just had the privilege of watching a you tube video were your husband talked about his dreams and their interpretation (Loved it!). I subscribed to your u tube channel and i will dive into every video. I am in a part of the world were the word is taught in its simplicity (Correct me if i’m not using the right words) and never through the lens of the Hebrew language, which i believe gives a deeper and true meaning of the word. I thank God greatly for leading me your direction, it is no coincidence i strongly believe. I wish i had the opportunity to pour out my heart and thoughts with you as to the season i’m in(i know this isn’t the platform – It feels like a spiritual tug of war inside me) however i’m truly grateful that you can relate to my first mail above. God continue richly bless you, Shalom! 🙂

  3. Mary, it appears we serve the same God. But I can’t find anywhere in your website your beliefs or what type of church you attend? Are you Mormon, Baptiste, etc. You get my point. I love your writings. You have brought light to how powerful the Hebrew language can be.

    • I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. And I presently belong to the Assemblies of God church. The church, however, is not a building or a denomination, it is who we are. More than any other time in history, it is time for the church, you and I, to get outside the walls and re-present Jesus to the world. I hope this answers your question, Kathy.
      While there are many languages in the world, Hebrew is the only language with so many layers of treasure. It is a blessing to search it out and share it with all of you. God bless you, Kathy.

  4. Hi Mary Ellen,

    I just wanted to share with you how much your blog and your new book, Psalms 91 have blessed me. I have heard the Spirit of the Lord through many of your posts in my personal journey and it has inspired me to start a blog myself. May our Lord continue to bless you, your dear husband, children, and grandchildren for the gift you have shared with us all.


  5. Very encouraged to have found this. Since I came upon it in a serendipitous way I don’t believe it was coincidence I believe that I see some real inspiration and your writings, as if I’m the one to say that obviously there is great inspiration, and I believe I’ll be narrowing down my readings to you and Mr Jack Hayford Chancellor of King’s College you both have enough wisdom to help me through strong issues at this point in my life. Was found of the Lord some 50 years ago. Started to Ministries which were very successful one is still ongoing now almost 50 years still established well and a coffee house way back in the beginning produced missionaries and pastors from a local secular college that went on and continued in Bible schools. Thank you and God bless you

  6. Hi Mary Ellen! I’m brand new here, and I hope this note finds you well. A friend shared a verse from Psalm 91 (shield and buckler) and how the Lord had her siting with the word ‘buckler’. Then another friend shared your blog post about the meaning. It was fabulous, though the strings and Hebrew intimidate me greatly! Haha! You made it all so simple and doable. Thank you for that! But, my favorite part was you salharing your diurnal entry where God dialogues with you about the meaning of abide. Wow, I had always thought of abiding as “sitting and staying with the Lord. I loved how you said it was also the “going with Him”. Abiding is active!! Boy I like that. I’m an active person with more of a Martha disposition. But God….is teaching me that I can ABIDE like Mary, even as a Martha type. And I do see the value of sitting and staying… so anyway, thanks so much for your time of sharing. I’m a follower of yours, as you follow Jesus, as of today. Blessings of health and peace to you and your family!
    Adi from South FL

    • Diane, I love your comment. Yes, Abiding is active. 🙂 More than anything, abiding is sitting, going, speaking, keeping quiet, doing or just being AS HE DIRECTS. In our world of “Do your own thing. Follow your heart. Do what feels good,” abiding in the true sense is often not on the ‘to-do’ list at all. I’ve learned that abiding ultimately gets all of what needs doing done, all that needs saying said, and peace of mind every step of the way. Just keep checking in with Him and you will never go wrong. God bless you.

  7. Hello Mary Ellen,
    I began reading Psalm 91 and not once…but twice “stumbled on” your maryellenwrites.com explanations and expositions on the Hebrew meanings. Discussing each letter of each Hebrew word has opened up a wonderful depth of understanding that Holy Spirit desires the Church to have.
    These “Divine Directives” are always so much fun as we see just how very much Our Father loves us.
    Thank you so much for your work in the Lord!
    Randy Peach

    • Thank you, Randy. I believe that God urged me to study Psalm 91 and share it in blog and book form so many could use it for their own studies. I believe that people’s perspectives about God and His Word will forever change if they take in these truths. God bless you, Randy, as you continue to study His Word.

  8. Hi Mary Ellen
    Just came accross your teaching while studying God’s Statutes.
    As I walk closer with God I find myself being separated more from the world and at this time it’s difficult to share this journey with other people.
    Reading your insights into the character and descriptive Meanings of God and His word has encouraged me to keep going on this separatist journey wirh the hope that I too maybe able to share and encourage as you do.
    May Gob bless and keep you

  9. I am so thrilled to find you! I’ve been increasingly digging in Strong’s Concordance and trying to understand the meaning of the Hebrew letters.

    Regarding the 3-letter roots, they remind me of the 3 codons that comprise an amino acid. There are 22 amino acids! The 3rd codon frequently can be changed yet still form the same amino acid. When I study the Hebrew words in the concordance, I tend to also look at the words nearby to get fuller meaning, especially when first two letters are in common.

    • Thank you for your comment. I’ve never thought to research with the first two letters being similar. Quite an interesting idea. Thank you and God bless you and you continue to dig into the treasures of His Word.

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