Where Are You Dwelling? Psalm 91:1a

coffee-2390136_640Our world is in crisis mode and many are turning to Psalm 91 for help.  While I wrote about this psalm years ago, I feel compelled to bring it into the light for review.  It’s going to take some time.  It will not be a microwave meal but it will equip you for years to come if you chew it well and put it into action.  Let’s get started.

“He who dwells…”  Psalm 91:1a

Do you ever feel that you are a square peg trying to fit in a round hole? Your feelings, responses, beliefs, personality, core values never find a perfect counterpart? This has been my experience in the past, and this feeling grows more than ever in our world today. The old southern gospel song about, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through,” describes the feeling. This world is definitely not our home.

It seems we all spend our lives in search of “home”. What I discovered was Psalm 91 is likely the “home” address for all believers. Until we experience this psalm, we will forever be in search.

I will be approaching this study from a different angle than other books I’ve read. You will be reading Strong’s definitions, some deeper gleanings from the Hebrew Alephbet, and as the Spirit leads, some of my own journal notes. While the Holy Spirit originally spoke these things to me, I believe there is truth for all of our lives.

My hope is that you will gain insight stirring you to begin your own search with the Lord’s leading. His Word is life to all who find it. (Proverbs 4:20-22)

Let’s begin:

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High.  Psalm 91:1

The word ‘Dwells’ is not one we use every day. You may hear, “Quit, dwelling on that.” In other words, “You are stuck.” But the Biblical definition brings out another perspective.

DWELLS is Strong’s #3427.  It is a primitive root and it looks like this: dwell  It is defined as, to sit down, to remain, to settle, to marry, make to keep [house], and to return.

Most of the words used to describe, “Dwell,” indicate it is a permanent address. It is not a motel or a travel trailer we use in a pinch or on vacations. We are not stuck. To dwell means to set up housekeeping, plant flowers, grow trees, hang pictures, to marry and set up housekeeping.

All the promises of this psalm hinge on this first phrase. DWELLING is not an option.  Dwelling is a must if we want to experience the benefits listed in Psalm 91.

What does this word mean to us personally? What does it mean to the Lord?

Let’s look at the Hebrew spelling of the word Dwell.

Here is the word Dwell in Hebrew: Read it from right to left dwell Bet Shin Yod.   Is your mind warring already? Reading from right to left is a bit of a stretch but you can do this.

Every Hebrew letter has a name, a picture, a number value, and a meaning. Science has discovered each letter also has a sound frequency. It is the only language known with all of these qualities and you will discover God’s use of His Alephbet is beyond amazing.

Okay…let’s look at the letters individually:

Yod - jot YOD 10 = The outcome, the completion of something. Means: Hand, Right Arm, Power – Right hand of God’s power, a Deed Done, to Work, to Cover, Allow, Hollow, Open Hand, also refers to the Holy Spirit as it always hangs in the air overseeing

ShinSHIN 300 = Victory of good over evil, Holy Spirit.  Picture: Teeth or Fire. Means: Teeth, Fire, the Fiery zeal of God to consume all His enemies, Devour, Destroy, Something Sharp.

Bet BET 2 = Divide or Division. Picture: House. Means: House/Family; God’s word, God’s dwelling place

Thus the deeper meaning behind the word DWELL is this:

He who Dwells is one who’s made the choice to live permanently in God’s house – trusting in God and honoring His Word. (Bet)  There he will experience the activation of God’s right hand of power covering him. (Yod) And God in His fiery zeal will consume all that tries to keep or draw him away from Dwelling. (Shin)

Are you still with me? In any excavation project, you need to learn how to use your tools.  For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, these concepts and resources are not new.  But for those who are new, may I encourage you? The Hebrew Alephbet will become very familiar to you in time. You will learn to love it and use it in discovering other treasures in His Word.

We are His dwelling place and He is ours.  When we choose to trust and obey Him, we live secure in His Presence.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.

Colossians 2:9-10 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.


2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me! AMP

Don’t you love that rendition?  He will pitch a tent over us and dwell –covering us with Himself.

~ Journal Notes ~

He who dwells….

“Do you know where I dwell?” He asked me one morning

“Isaiah 40 says that You sit above the circle of the earth.”

“I dwell in you.“

“Lord, why would You want to dwell in me? I am so imperfect.”

“Because I love you. I am a master craftsman. I, who began a good work in you, will be faithful to fulfill it. I dwell in you to remake you from the inside out. Your are trying to refurbish the outside in hopes of reflecting Me, but what’s inside is the only thing that will truly represent Me to the world.

“Remember I told the Pharisees that they were whitewashed tombs, full of dead man’s bones? Appearing pristine and sin-free, righteous, and holy, but full of dead works, critical hearts, and religious bondage?

“I am here, dwelling in you and all My children to bring you out of bondage to religion and your own soulish desires and to open all the windows of your mind, will and emotions to let the wind of My Spirit blow through.”


Many of you have remodeled your home and those who have know that it takes time. It is usually more than a weekend project. He dwells in us and we dwell in Him. It is a lifelong process, not just a Sunday-go to meeting experience.

In our fast-paced Instagram, hashtag life, dwelling is not something we do well. Take some time with Him today and ask Him how you can more fully DWELL.  Holy Spirit will help us. He is a genius with this kind of remodel. Take time with Him. You will be blessed.

Shalom ♥

Next we will stop at the Secret Place.



10 thoughts on “Where Are You Dwelling? Psalm 91:1a

  1. Pingback: Are You Ready for a Treasure Hunt? | Hear God's Heart

  2. Pingback: Are You Ready for a Treasure Hunt? Revised | Hear God's Heart

    • Chequena, thank you for your comment. To be entirely truthful, these posts help me just as much as they help you. We are all on a learning curve, walking together following Him. God bless you, Chequena. ❤

  3. This study is wonderful . Such insight and revelation that God gave you personally. I believe God is drawing his children into a deeper intimacy with him now more than ever. I am prayer for an increased hunger to dwell with him . You should definitely do more teachings like this.

    • Thank you Diane. I have done a lot of teaching along these lines. If you look in the category list on the sidebar, there are several categories you can click on for more. “one word treasures, one verse treasures, treasures in Psalm 91,” to name a few. Enjoy. The “Song of Solomon” category is also full of treasure on Jesus and His love for us. Enjoy.

    • Thanks so much, Dee. I am being blessed as God uncovers the treasures and love seeing others blessed as well. May you continue to follow His lead especially for this season. God bless you.

  4. I just found you as I had Restless night and was asking God what that night ment to me spiritually.
    Thankyou, your a jewel to God’s crown. Knowing Gods Heart and Ps 91. Answered my Questions

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